TedX Talks
Stop treating our soil like dirt! Karen Wynne TEDxHuntsville
Oscar von Seidel
- Soil is good for our water, it helps filter it and keep water clean
- Soil gives us food for our growing population, stop putting pesticides in it. Let it grow organically it’s proven that makes the food more nutritious.
- Soil helps us during extreme weather it sucks in excess water and excess Carbon dioxide.
- What can you do? Be more self-sufficient and use soil to its full potential
- Keep our soil safe!!!
How does this relate to our window farm?
It teaches why window farms are so important in keeping our soil healthy and why it is important to let the plants grow naturally and not use chemicals.
Soil from dirt to lifeline: Fred Kirschenmann at TEDxManhattan By Andrew Lawson
The talk is about how soil is more than just where plants grow, it’s not just the fertilizer and pesticides that grow the plants, but the soil. There are more organisms living in soil or underground than above the ground, from ants and worms to microorganisms. If it wasn’t for these organisms there wouldn’t be the food there is today. One of the problems is that we are losing soil. In the last half century, America has lost half our top soil. Soil is transported in different ways, like wind and water. It has taken many millions of years to create the soil we have today. When you have properly grown plants, the roots help sustain the life below the ground. Plus, the plants keep the nutrients of the soil from being lost, whether to wind or water.
How does it relate to your Window Farm?
We need the right soil to grow our plants and herbs the best. Having the right soil helps and increases the growth of the plants.
Humus and human mean of and from the earth, humus is the most important thing when it come, to plants wellbeing, because we have been so detached from the earth that we haven’t even noticed that we have gone past the point of reversibility, so we wont be able to go back to how the earth was before we started polluting the environment, and so this means that the climate is getting hotter and pollution is getting more destructive all because of us losing touch with the earth and humus. The main message that Greame Sait wants to get through to us is the there have only ever been the same amount of carbon molecules and a great deal of the soil once found in the soil is now found in the atmosphere and we need to return that carbon back to the soil and humus.
url: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Q1VnwcpW7E
Greame Sait TEDX noosa: humus-the essential ingredient by:
Jake van Gemert
Humus and human mean of and from the earth, humus is the most important thing when it come, to plants wellbeing, because we have been so detached from the earth that we haven’t even noticed that we have gone past the point of reversibility, so we wont be able to go back to how the earth was before we started polluting the environment, and so this means that the climate is getting hotter and pollution is getting more destructive all because of us losing touch with the earth and humus. The main message that Greame Sait wants to get through to us is the there have only ever been the same amount of carbon molecules and a great deal of the soil once found in the soil is now found in the atmosphere and we need to return that carbon back to the soil and humus.
In this ted talk Greame has come up with some planet saving strategies:
1: rather buy food from people practicing regenerative farming.
2: we pay carbon credits to primary producers for increases in soil humus.
3: composting needs to become the mantra for everyone – particularly city councils.
4: we inoculate our soils with humus-building organisms – the most important is Mycorrhizal fungi.
5: we need to protect the organisms that will save us.
6: the burning of crop residue should immediately be banned, this it carbon that should always be returned to the soil instead of adding to the problem.
7: we need to include a source of carbon with every nitrogen-based fertilizer.
8: humates extracted from brown coal become indispensable humus building tools for everyone.
9: we direct our pension funds to invest in enterprises involved in developing renewable energy rather than those adding to the problem.
Humus offers more than just climate change reversal:
· humus determines farming profitability
· it is our greatest water management tool
· a 1% increase in humus could mean that soil could hold 1700L per hectare more than it previously could
· humus holds its own weight in water.
· It increases the nutritional value of our food
· It’s the primary vehicle for food storage and delivery in the soil.
· It reduces the chemical contamination of our food, the higher the level of humus, the less the need for chemical intervention.
· It cleanses the soil contaminates and prevents nitrate leakage, it serves as a carbon filter isolating heavy metals and chemical residue.
In conclusion, healthy soils create hardy people and a happy planet.
url: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Q1VnwcpW7E
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